How often do we think about sustainable wellbeing? The world is talking about climate change, economy, policies, law amendments, and what not.
Is anybody talking about sustainable wellbeing?
On the contrary, we glamorize late working hours, skipping meals, quick lunches, and staying busy all the time. Who is to blame when all this leads to chaos in your life?
What is sustainable wellbeing?
A life encompassing a balance between work, family, fun, sleep, and health can be said to be one of the best examples of sustainability.
The modern hectic lifestyle may pose a challenge in achieving this. Yet, it requires no drastic changes. Just simple and small lifestyle alterations can help you live sustainably.
Guess what?
Sustainable living ushers in positivity and happiness in life; it can bring in a sense of fulfillment and peace of mind. Aren’t these some of the most sought after things in the world?
Here are a few ways to achieve sustainability and wellbeing in your life. Begin practicing them today. It may take time for you to become habitual of these ways, but keep trying them; the results are outstanding.
Tips to sustainable wellbeing
1. Correct your diet and daily habits:
Make sure your diet contains nourishing food. Only a healthy body can achieve well-being. So, first, check your diet and ensure you are physically healthy. Remember the popular adage, “You are what you eat?”
Without nourishing food, it is hard to nourish your mind and spirit.
Here are a few examples of sustainability:
Include fresh fruits and veggies in your diet
Reduce intake of alcohol, sugary and carb-laden foods
Exercise daily – start with 10 minutes and increase your time
Sleep well – sleep early, wake up early
Walk as much as you can
Spare some “me” time every day
Eat mindfully and not in a hurry
Prefer home-cooked meals
Indulge in your hobbies
Connect with nature
2. Practice self-awareness
How are you feeling today?
Become aware of yourself, address your emotions, and keep a journal. This will help you clear your mind and gain deeper insights into your emotional state. Mind clarity and emotional management are two key aspects of sustainable living.
Identify triggers that cause emotional imbalance in you. Avoid the situation or the person, and learn to manage your emotions if encounter by the trigger. You can’t spoil your well-being for somebody, can you?
Take care of your energy. Watch out for energy vampires – people who drain out your energy and make you feel “stressed and exhausted.”
No matter how busy you are, squeeze some time to meditate. It helps to stabilize your emotions and clarify your mind. A simple ritual of sitting in serenity for 10 minutes every morning can deliver astounding peace and calmness to you.
Find a purpose in life. This inculcates enthusiasm in you and motivates you to seize each moment to the fullest, which is one of the best examples of sustainability.
If you are feeling too overwhelmed in life and unable to cope with the chaos, seek professional help from a life coach. He/she will help you get a direction in life and help you deal with chaos effectively.
3. Develop a healthy coping mechanism
Everybody has problems in life. It depends on how you cope with them. Some fall for substance abuse, over-eating, and other unhealthy habits; some indulge in self-harm; a few others commit suicide. All these are means of escapism.
What do you feel like doing?
When you practice the earlier mentioned ways of sustainable living, you are less likely to fall for the unhealthy coping mechanisms. You are more likely to take life “by the horns” and deal with situations intelligently.
The famous ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said:
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past.If you are anxious, you are living in the future.If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
4. Learn to say “no”
How often do we do things simply to please people or to avoid hurting them? Even if we don’t want to do, we say “yes.” A lot of emotional turmoil in an individual’s life can happen when he or she is too busy pleasing or doing for others, taking their own selves for granted.
Sometimes, saying “no” is the best thing you can do to yourself. If doing something for someone hurts your sustainability and wellbeing, say a polite “no.” A simple “no” can go a long way in restoring your wellbeing and giving you peace of mind, even though the other person may feel disappointed (or wonder what has happened to you, as you always said a “yes” to them!).
Sustainable development does not happen overnight. It takes time and consistency. Once you achieve it, you shift your path to a happier and more fulfilling life. Want some guidance? Contact life coach Aisha Abdulqadar and take the first step to unleash your true potential.
Book a free discovery session now.
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